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Lantau Island

20 Questions! Halloween Quiz

Test your knowledge of the scariest movies of all time 1. Who directed Halloween? A. John Carpenter B. George Lucas C. Guy Ritchie 1. Who directed Halloween? A. John Carpenter B. George Lucas C. Guy Ritchie 2. In The Ring, how long do people have to live after watching the videotape? A. 7 days B. 2 weeks C. A month 3. Which movie is accredited with coining the phrase, “What’s your favourite scary movie?” A.… Read More »20 Questions! Halloween Quiz


PHOTOS BY Beatrix Malan –  In this column, we’ve been reporting on places across Lantau that you might want to visit or revisit… everywhere from Tung Chung Fort to Inspiration Lake. And this month, we’ve decided to focus on The Big Buddha, aka Tian Tan Buddha, not least because the world’s ‘biggest sitting Buddha statue, built outdoors’ is newly renovated and looking better than ever.  A true icon of Hong Kong, it’s incredible to… Read More »THE BIG BUDDHA 


COMPLETING THE LAST THREE SECTIONS OF THE 70-KILOMETRE LANTAU TRAIL , CLAIRE SEVERN ENDS UP WHERE SHE STARTED – IN MUI WO. PHOTOS BY Duey Tam & Andrew Spires  Day four of our Lantau hike – the final stretch. Fifty kilometres down, just 20 left to go. The sun is shining, the cows are out in force, and we are all set to tackle sections 10 to 12 of the Lantau Trail.  Starting out at… Read More »LANTAU TRAIL HIKE: 

Running Wild

At the start of trail-race season, we sit down with three of Lantau’s biggest trail-race organisers to discuss the beauty of the trails and their lure for world-class athletes and social hikers alike. Reporting By: Raphael Blett Photos courtesy of: Action Asia Events, Barclays Moontrekker & TransLantau (Sunny Lee) At 142km², Lantau is almost twice the size of Hong Kong Island (78,59km²) and far less densely populated, meaning there is still a whole lot of… Read More »Running Wild