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20 questions: April fools day quiz!

Are you easily fooled? How much do you know about April 1, the internationally celebrated day of pranks and hoaxes

BY Nicole Innocenti

1. In which century did people start celebrating April Fools’ Day?
A. 14th century
B. 16th century
C. 19th century

3. What prank do the French play on April 1?
A. They throw fish at people
B. They pin a paper fish to people’s clothes
C. They leave fish under bus seats

5. Which country does not widely celebrate April Fools’ Day?
A. China
B. Korea
C. England

7. Which country posts the most fake news on April 1?
B. Iceland
C. Nepal

9. Which country is believed to have originated April Fools’ Day?
A. Germany
B. France
C. Norway

11. What natural disaster hit Hawaii on April 1, 1946, that people initially thought was a joke?
A. Tsunami
B. Earthquake
C. Volcanic Eruption

13. In 1957, the BBC pranked millions into believing spaghetti grew on trees in which country?
A. Italy
B. Switzerland
C. Belgium

15. Where does the NYC April Fools’ Day Parade end up?
A. Times Square
B. Chrysler Building
C. Washington Square Park

17. What was the 1985 April Fools’ hoax cover story in Time about?
A. John F. Kennedy
B. An imaginary baseball player
C. An imaginary comedian

19. Which claim made by the Irish Times on April 1, 1965 really made people worry?
A. Guiness was going out of business
B. Leprechaun sightings were increasing
C. The government was going to ban alcohol

2. In which country is April Fools’ Day known as Huntigowk Day?
A. Scotland
B. Australia
C. Canada

4. It is traditional to stop pranking people at what time?
A. 12pm
B. 6pm
C. 10pm

6. What do the Portuguese do on April Fools’ Day?
A. They throw flour at people
B. They throw confetti at people
C. They throw water at people

8. NASA posted a picture on April Fools’ Day, 2002 showing what?
A. The Earth was flat
B. An asteroid was coming our way
C. The moon was made out of cheese

10. Who pretended to buy the Liberty Bell in 1994 as an April Fools’ Day joke?
A. Liberty Mutual
B. Bell Telephone Company
C. Taco Bell

12. April Fools’ Day (1986) is what kind of movie?
A. Slasher
B. Comedy
C. Romance

14. April Fools’ Day is linked to which biblical figure?
A. Noah
B. Judas Iscariot
C. Mary Magdaline

16. What invention did Burger King claim on April 1, 1998?
A. Left-handed Whopper
B. Plant-based Whopper
C. Fat-free fries

18. When did Google begin its tradition of April Fools’ Day jokes?
A. 2000
B. 2010
C. 2020

20. When will April Fools’ Day and Easter Sunday overlap?
A. 2025
B. 2027
C. 2029