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Life on Lantau > ACROSS HK


International Ensemble

WITH MUSIC LOVERS ACROSS HONG KONG ANTICIPATING THE RETURN OF MUSICUS FEST THIS NOVEMBER, RENOWNED CELLIST TREY LEE REVEALS JUST HOW MUCH WE HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO Musicus Society, a Hong Kong registered charity, founded in 2010 to promote cross-cultural, international musical collaboration, is hosting its annual Musicus Fest in November. The festival’s Artistic Director, renowned cellist Trey Lee will be leading top international musicians and local talents in a series of compelling programmes… Read More »International Ensemble

A Little Bit of Trivia – Cat Quiz

1. Which movie features a cat called Cat? The Nightmare Before Christmas Breakfast at Tiffany’s The Devil Wears Prada 2. How many teeth do cats have? 25 30 40 3. On average, how many hours does a cat sleep per day? 7 to 10 hours 10 to 15 hours 13 to 14 hours 4. What is Garfield’s favourite food? Lasagna Spaghetti  Ravioli  5. Why do cats raise their butts when you pet them? To show… Read More »A Little Bit of Trivia – Cat Quiz

20 Questions: Father’s Day Quiz!

With June 18 fast approaching, take our fun trivia quiz to find out how much you know about the celebration and about famous dads around the world PHOTOS COURTESY OF Wikipedia 1. When do we celebrate Father’s Day in Hong Kong this year? A. June 4 B. June 18 C. June 21 2. Where did Father’s Day originate? A. Washington, US B. Rio de Janeiro,Brazil C. Stockholm, Sweden 3. When was Father’s Day first celebrated?… Read More »20 Questions: Father’s Day Quiz!

Earth Day Quiz

IN THE LEAD-UP TO EARTH DAY ON APRIL 22, WE TEST YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS STARTING WITH THE 5 RS  1. Who launched Earth Day? A. Gaylord Nelson B. Al Gore C. Sir David Attenborough  2. What is the theme for Earth Day 2023? A. Invest In Our Planet B. Plants Trees Not Bombs C. Restore Our Earth 3. What are the 5 Rs? A. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle  B. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Return, Recycle… Read More »Earth Day Quiz

jo lodder

Run For Freedom With Jo Lodder

RUN FOR FREEDOM – to help disabled people and abused animals have freedom 為自由奔跑——幫助殘疾人仕和受虐待的動物 I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP – I am running the Five Trails in Five Days in Hong Kong’s beautiful but brutal mountains covering over 390km and nearly 20,000m in elevation – IN RETURN PLEASE DONATE, SPREAD THE WORD AND RAISE AWARENESS FOR THOSE LESS FORTUNATE!! 我需要您們的幫助 ! 我將會在2023年3月在香港美麗而崎嶇的山徑進行慈善跑,五天內完成五條崎嶇路線,覆蓋超過 390 公里,近 20,000 米海拔 。請大家踴躍捐款,並傳播這信息給新邊的朋友,提高對那些不幸的人及動物的認識!他們很需要您們的幫助! To donate please click here.